Entering a new relationship usually causes anxiety. You really like your new partner, but you worry that the smallest bumps on the road will make them walk towards the hills.
Although your fears are completely correct and understandable, it does not mean that you have to lie to your partner in order to keep them around.
Anyway, if you do this, it is very common. Here are some common lies you might want to know.
The last time they took someone seriously
Lying to someone you know or talking vaguely about when your last serious relationship was. This is something many people do. For fear of being judged, the person may nervously tell their partner the truth. If they have been in a very serious relationship recently, their new partner may worry that they are just a rebound. If they have not established a serious relationship for a long time, they may worry that there is a specific reason.
How serious is their relationship was
The causes that might make somebody tell lies about the nature of their previous relationship differs from person to person. An important reason may be that they don't want you to think that they have too many serious relationships, because it seems that their relationship may never be resolved for some reason. If they have never had a serious relationship in the past, they may worry about looking immature or fickle.
If they still keep in touch with any ex
If someone is still a friend or at least an accidental acquaintance with any of their exes, they are likely to hesitate to share with someone they just started dating. In some cases, it’s perfectly fine to keep friends with your ex, but telling your new partner that you and the person you’ve dated are friends may not end so early in the relationship.
Where they think partners are more attractive
Sharing what they think is attractive to a person can be tricky for someone doing in a new relationship. The most likely lie they will lie is that all the qualities their current partner possesses are the qualities they are most interested in. Of course, this does not necessarily mean that they are lying. They might list what they like and use all the qualities of their new partner to enhance it to make them feel special.
How their relationship ended
Someone may feel compelled to lie about the cause of their last breakup because they fear that their new partner will judge them. If their last relationship ends badly or involves an unstable breakup, their new partner may worry that they will cause dramatic consequences. Although the way each relationship ends varies from person to person, sharing with one person is still a nerve-wracking thing.
If they get engaged or married
If someone has been married or engaged before, sharing with someone they just started dating can be a very scary thing because they may be afraid that their partner will look at them in a negative light. There are many stereotypes that often accompany the topic of divorce, which may or may not be true. One might think that this boils down to infidelity or that this person has a lot of past baggage.
If they ever cheated
For obvious reasons, this is definitely something that someone is likely to lie about. Obviously, if someone tells you that they have cheated on their partner before, your first thought is that they are likely to cheat you. You might use this as a clue to immediately remove yourself from this relationship. Cheating is never a good thing, but just because someone made a mistake in the past does not always mean they will make a mistake again.